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PRAYER, The Catalyst for Climate Change
PRAYER, The Catalyst for Climate Change With the world abuzz on the issue of Climate Change and its effects on our environment globally, this topic has become a part of many if not every conversation and agenda, including the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. However, there is much more to Climate Change than many realize, and it is not an issue that began in this century. Everywhere we look, it is becoming increasingly undeniable that Climate Change is bigger than the human race and deeper than just being about us. God created the environment perfectly.

Royalty In Motion is a reminder to every woman that she is priceless in the eyes of her Creator – Elohim, and that what He says about her that should set her standards, morals and value. Royalty In Motion was written to help every woman recognize, remember or understand that she is Royalty and that she should never take that for granted; nor should she lower her standards or values in exchange for wealth, promotion, or material gain. Her value is not based on someone’s opinion of her, but on what her King says about her. Royalty In Motion is about every wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, niece – you! Royalty In Motion must always seek first to please her Heavenly Father and King – then everything else will fall into place. Are you Royalty In Motion?

Born To Win
Biblical Economics, is a solutions-oriented book, that gives a different perspective and the answers you need when everything else you have tried has failed within your organization or nation. Biblical Economics speaks plainly and extensively on the key areas that every individual, business owner and nation leader need to know in order to allow themselves, their organization and their nation to achieve major success and prosperity. Biblical Economics not only speaks to issues affecting the economic stability of a nation, the issues affecting, influencing and governing every organization and individual in a nation, but also encompasses solutions for every issue within a nation.

Born To Win
Born To Win is a motivational book inspired by the Holy Spirit to encourage, strengthen and where necessary refocus the reader toward the understanding that each person was created by God intentionally and with great purpose! It deals with a wide cross-section of issues that can help every reader at ever level to rise to the next level emotionally, spiritually, mentally and even financially! Born To Win stirs the heart and spirit of the reader and challenges their very thought process to think more positively, and to become more effective in daily life regardless of the challenges and situations they face. Born to Win looks at topics such as rejecting rejection, overcoming struggles, embracing change, mentorship and much more. Born to Win reminds the reader that there is untapped greatness within and reveals how to bring that out!

In His Presence: Maintaining the Presence of God Through Worship
In His Presence this book has been written to help its readers to enter into a deeper understanding of the importance and benefits of worshiping the Triune, Living God. It has the potential to help its readers recognize, even to the smallest degree, how real God is and how close He is to us and our circumstances and His capacity to do so while He orchestrates the activities of the entire universe. This is not the final word on worshiping God, but it has the potential to help those who are willing to understand more about the value of God's Presence in our lives and want to develop a stronger, more meaningful relationship with Him.

Family, the First Line of Government
Family, the First Line of Government is a solutions-oriented book, which speaks plainly about the institution of family and the fact that people need to become knowledgeable and understand the purpose, value, role, and significance of the family, especially in relation to the fulfilment of God’s purpose on the earth. It further reveals that the family is a strong, powerful, and influential tool with the potential to accomplish great things and bring change. While many countries are singularly focused on economic development to bring about change, the family has been neglected without the realization that breaking down this institution will ultimately lead to the destruction of a nation. Family, the First Line of Government deals with issues that many discussing them from this angle shy away from, and this book helps us to understand that no nation can fully rise unless the family is whole.

TACTICS AND STRATEGIES FOR THE FAMINE: For Individuals, Businesses, Governments & NGOs
Tactics and Strategies for the Famine discusses global issues, particularly national and global economics and the worldwide recession, from a biblical perspective, and from that point they remain real, current, and relevant, but not devoid of hope. This book allows readers to see things from a different angle and lets them know that hope, change, and viable solutions are within reach. This book contains simple language to explain the otherwise daunting topics while providing scriptural references.

Prayer Works!
Apostle Steve Lyston Prayer Works! -
"The power of prayer has been a well-know and well-documented fact since man's dawn. Many great men-warriors, Kings and men of great renown-and even hardened crimials have proven that Prayer Works! Whether we are praying for others or for a breakthrpugh in tough cirumstances, we have proven at some point in our lives that rayer Works"

Man, Money Ministry Paperback – June 5, 2009
by Apostle Steve Lyston (Author)

The New Millionaire: Biblical Secrets to Making Millions and Keeping it!
The New Millionaire exposes and explains the secret of all secrets that come directly from God's Word, regarding the earthly wealth that exists, how to acquire and maintain it, making you the New Millionaire!

End-Time Finance: God's Guide for You, Your Business, Your Church and Your Nation
End Time Finance is a fascinating synergy of divine revelation from God through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the life experiences of a man determined to answer the Call of God on his life and do his part in helping to build the Kingdom of God! End Time Finance addresses issues such as the value of diligence in investment, different levels of seed, how to execute your God-given vision, how to avoid bankruptcy, business and politics, gambling, Leviathan and our finances, why nations are under a financial curse, the Solomonic principle, and the importance and power of vows!

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