Don't Give For The Wrong Reasons
One of man's main responsibilities is the act of giving. Giving is the act that declares that we have conquered greed. There should be no discrimination or prejudice or wrong motives when it comes to giving.
Giving creates a better environment - reducing poverty, improving education, health, saving lives and easing the burden of suffering! Jesus even outlined that nations and individuals will be judged as a result of their lack of charity to the suffering and less fortunate.(Matthew 25: 35-45)
God's judgement will be based on moral character and the character is revealed by charitable deeds or the lack of them.
All organisations experiencing success - whether small or big - must give. Many corporate organisations would say they do not give to faith-based or religious organisations that are building the communities, while they would gladly give to those organisations that promote and support immorality.
This is a dangerous precedence.
Giving must not be based on religion, sexual orientation or race - there should be no discrimination of any kind.
Corporate and Government must be careful of the policies they develop when it comes to charity.If such organisations are not willing to give to faith-based organisations, then it means they are not willing to give to the community - since faith-based organisations consist of and help members of the community.
That being said, does this mean that faith-based organisations and ultimately the community should not support them through the purchase of their products?
Regardless of which charitable organisation is meeting the needs of the communities, regardless of their size, there should be no discrimination. Most corporate and government organisations give to large organisations, where most of the money given is going to administrative costs and are not being filtered down to the people who need it most.
There is nothing wrong with checking to ensure that the organisations are legitimate and are being properly run, but where it is found that the organisations (large or small) are legitimate, then where you can, support them.
Furthermore, the list of charitable organisations, including churches, that exist within the country should be published and whatever funds they are given should be made public or at the least accessible by the general public.
We have heard many times that funds have been given/donated to charities but there is little to no effect within the community and no public information on how the funds were allocated.
Many corporate organisations are more willing to give to very large and highly publicised charitable organisations, but the question is, how much of it is reaching the poor?
Government should seek to increase waivers and duty-free benefits so that the poor can be helped. Cutting will send thousands more into poverty.
They should be giving 10 per cent from the revenue they collect if they want to see a change to the nation's economy.
When plagues begin to affect a nation - whether it be crime, violence, disaster, disease or any other kind of plague - giving is the only thing that can break the cycle and the curses that are affecting the nations. (I Chronicles 21: 13-25)
If leaders begin to give and champion the cause of the poor, and give with no strings attached, then we will experience a positive global change.
Giving brings healing. Many people are becoming sick, but giving can bring the change they need. (Psalm 41)
The number one criterion for giving is love.Many nations and large organisations give for the wrong reason.A tax write-off should not be basis, or motive for giving - it can be an added benefit, but it should not be the main reason an organisation gives.
Additionally, organisations must make the genuine effort to give back to the communities as they prosper; and also to take care of the people in the communities in which their operations are based. By so doing, they will gain the support of the various communities. Companies may give to politicians because they want to secure and procure contracts in the future, but the key is, take care of the people.