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The following is the prophetic word from the Lord as released through His servants Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet Onesto Jolly.


The following is the prophetic word from the Lord as released through His servants Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet Onesto Jolly.
5785/2025 is the Year of Heh/Hei (ה) – the Year of the Manifestation of the Breath of God.  Heh/Hei (ה) is the 5th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet numerically.  The Lord says during this Decade of Pei (The Decade of the Mouth of God) this 2025 is the year that we will see the manifestation of what God has spoken over, on every level and in every sector. It is in this year that we will recognize that the Lord God Omnipotent reigns.

2025/5785 – is the Year of the Breath of God – 5780 began the Decade of the Mouth of God, and from the mouth of God much has been and will be released.  His ruach with which He created the earth was also the same breath with which He breathed life into man.  Ruach is the Hebrew word used in scripture for the breath of God. It is wind, Spirit, life. It's not so much a physical force but an essence—God's essence that sustains life. It's sometimes also translated as Spirit of God, such as in Genesis chapter 1.  The Breath of God is blowing into the earth.  He is using this opportunity to remind man that with His breath, new life will be breathed again into us so that we have the opportunity also for a fresh start to get things right in our lives for the manifestation and glory of God to come forth in our lives that others may be won to Him.  The Body of Christ as a whole must clean up their act. God is also giving any who are willing in the political, business and this is the year we must pay keen attention to His instructions and ensure we follow them well.

2025/5785 – is also The Year of Grace – is the year of God’s Grace upon mankind, so He is giving mankind a final opportunity to set things right in our lives, household, church, families, businesses, nations before He makes His move in the earth.  It is the time for us all to align ourselves with the will of God so that His will and our purpose can be fulfilled.  The Lord says He is giving every person the opportunity to make align themselves with Him and His will.  He has given every person this year to make things right in His sight concerning their lives and their walk with Him.  He is affording each person the opportunity to come to Him in true repentance and make things right with Him.  He has extended grace also to Church Leaders at every level, for personal introspection, spiritual alignment/realignment, maintenance/renewal of vows, confession and accountability. In addition to this, the Lord is giving Businesses and Nations an opportunity to escape the coming judgement for the oppression and plundering that have been meted out by them upon the people of the nation and especially upon His People. Further to this every person in the Body of Christ – from the leaders at all levels to the congregants must embrace this opportunity to humbly go before Him and set their house in order, as God is also allowing us the opportunity to receive a fresh release of His favor upon our lives.  This kind and level of His Divine Favor is not just Supernatural, it is uncommon.

2025/5785 – is also The Year of Redemption – He is also extending to the peoples of the nations another opportunity to serve Him in Spirit and Truth, to commit/recommit their lives to Him.  (Look at Malachi 4: 1 - 3)  He is waiting to redeem those who have wandered, those who have lost their way and those who handed themselves over to the devil in exchange for tangible wealth and positions of influence, leadership and authority.  He is ready and willing to buy back those who have sold their souls to the enemy if they are willing to yield to Him through Jesus Christ.  This is also the season where the Lord is warning us to execute Ephesians 5:16.  We must function in the wisdom of God putting Him first in all things, and being careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences.  Time is of the essence and as such we can’t waste it.  The Lord is urging us to be prudent in our daily lives and ensure that count the cost of all we do individually and collectively as ultimately everyone is impacted by our decision-making.
2025/5785 – is also The Year of Divine Revelation and Great Spiritual Outpouring – The Lord, by the Power of His Holy Spirit will be revealing truth and releasing many Divine Revelations to those who earnestly and with a pure heart and right motives seek after Him.  These revelations are going to be life changing and has the potential to change the trajectory of your whole life.  However, the devil will also try to come with his tactics to create doubt and confusion.  The Lord says, “Many things seems to have either slowed down or have come to a halt in your lives; the resources you have had seems to have trickled down; but I have been faithful and I will always be.  Stand in me and you will see My promises to you spring forth.”  What will help us all to rise above that “noise” is our relationship with God through Christ Jesus and the level of our discernment. This is about an outpouring from the Spirt of God and upon the earth. God opened the door for us in the realm of the spirit to walk through and spiritually position ourselves in His presence in this earth so that we can receive the outpouring into our spirits.

1.    Greater exposures are unveiling for the Church, the Politicians, and the health industry worldwide. Pray for all Heads of Governments and their families.
2.    Surprising changes will take place regarding immigration policies and within the immigration. Pray earnestly for God’s will to be done.
3.    The famine still looms.  Do not get comfortable with what you see or hear. Be prepared. Put some cash away. Stock up on supplies especially (but not only) Water, Salt, liquid supplements and baby formula, Diapers (Babies and Adults), Non-perishable items, Powdered Milk, Disposable containers, storage containers, protective gear, scarves, masks/gas masks, Water purifiers, Hand Sanitizers, Vitamins and Other Supplements.
4.    God is about to judge the financial sector worldwide.  Economies The Lord says the economy is changing more rapidly because embezzlement of funds among banks and certain hierarchies that will cause further devastation for the middle class and the poor. This will fuel the famine even more.
5.    A shockwave will run through the transportation industry.  The commercial airline industry and vehicle manufacturers will be the hardest hit.
6.    In 2025, the Cosmos will look unusual, and weather patterns will not be the same.  Disasters like we have never seen before will now unfold in unusual places.  There are also more earthquakes and tsunamis pending 2025.
7.    In the medical/pharmaceutical industry, God will purge and expose in the 2025.  Also, there are plans for the nations to wear masks once more.  Be vigilant wherever you go, particularly at social events.  Seek the Lord before going anywhere, especially to places of enjoyment and entertainment.  Hidden agendas will be revealed.
8.    I will shake nations.  Pray for Egypt, San Paulo – Brazil, Vanuatu, the Eastern Caribbean Islands, the Virgin Islands.  Some places will be cut off, but before this there will be the opportunity for repentance.  Los Angeles will also be rocked with natural disaster. Watch Asian network of nations, plans are afoot.
9.    I will raise up a new generation of warriors – the Joshua Generation will come forth. A phase of My work has begun.     
10. All the forces of the enemy are now coming together to target our children and youth particularly up to age 17.  Pray and watch over my children.
11. Be vigilant in this season.  Stay anchored to the rock. Get deeper in the word. Pray for those who have not yet realized that the season has changed.

12. God wants to raise up more Christian politicians, mayors, congressman, presidents, for the benefit of the people of the nation.
13. Pray for VP Kamala Harris – parts of her personal life will be made public.  Great deception hovers around Denzel Washington, Israel Houghton.  Pray also for US President and for the Presidential machinery to listen to the voice of God in order to rule well for the sake of the people of the nations at all levels.  Pray for the Monarchs – especially for the youngest ones.
14.  The United States of America will experience civil war situations in some states, a great deal is brewing underneath.  What seems like calm will suddenly erupt and persons will ask “What is happening?”  However, I have been sending signs of the times and the seasons.  Many have ignored it and are oblivious to the signs.  There will be a fresh understanding of my word in 1 Thessalonians 5: 2
15. Businesses are about to shake significantly and lose customers/clients.  The insurance industry will be hit hard.  There is also going to be a great outcry in the real estate insurance industry. Pray for Justice.
16. There are significant changes that lie ahead for both political parties and a few surprises – unexpected actions that have the potential to significantly impact the direction of the nation.  These will reveal where our trust truly lies.
17. God wants the leaders of the United States of America to remember who her true allies are and who are her true enemies.
18. A revival is pending for California.  Pray for the Midwest and the Appalachians.  God will also move through the United States and no state will be exempt from the move of His hand.  In the midst of that, pray for the children.

19. There will be much flooding in Jamaica. Pray for St. Catherine (especially Ensom City Spanish Town), as well as Trelawny, St. James (especially Montego Bay),
20. Two JLP politicians will be exposed at a hideaway hotel, which will cause divorce from their spouses.
21. There are unscrupulous activities that have been occurring at the famous Port and the Lord will expose it.
22. Pray for Vybz Kartel to make wise decisions and good choices, because the enemy is poised to attack – even to cut his life short.  Pray earnestly for His full salvation.   Pray against criminal activities and the deaths of prominent individuals.
23. There are plans of abduction and torture concerning a prominent political leader.  We must pray against that.
24. The Lord is about to visit BG, PSM, and the roots of Jamaica’s political lineage to set some things in order.
25. Pray earnestly for the Gospel Artistes especially Cleveland Laing, God wants to use a new wave of gospel artist, John Mark Wiggins God wants to use him, and his ministry will go international.  Be careful live a prayerful life and a holy life.
26. Pray for the Ministry of Education, the Principals and the Teachers.  Something is brewing, exposures are coming in schools and the Ministry of education will have a lot on their hand to deal with.  It will take someone with vision and the willingness to listen to and obey the voice of God to settle matters.  The Ministry of Education needs to prepare new plans to move forward after that.
27. MOCA will be unraveling new leads concerning corruption within the political, religious and economic sectors. These new leads will close old and new cases within the nation.
28. Jamaica! Jamaica! Yield to my voice.  Many have turned away from me and have left their post.  I am still watching over you, but you have opened many doors and disaster looms.  Return to Me, because I am willing to save.  Turn away from the sins that have enveloped you.  The time is now!
29. There will be a changing of the guards at the Norman Manley and the Sangster International Airports, as well as the Inland Revenue Tax Office on Constant Spring Road.
30. The Lord is going to uncover corruption in all the industries within the nation to allow for changes to be made.  This is part of His grace being extended.
31. There is a high level of witchcraft among workers throughout the nation - some because of fear and others because of greed.  Many are seeking the wrong source for help, but God is extending His grace and wants it them to turn to Him wholeheartedly and trust him totally.
32. Pray against the increase of perversion.  The nation’s children are being targeted. Wake up and pray!
33. Pray that the Lord will shut down the strongman operating within the Cockpit country. God wants more of His Presence there and for more of His people be there.  Pray also against high levels of witchcraft and for the deception to be exposed and eradicated.
34. God requires the churches in Jamaica to get back to teaching and supporting Biblical truths, Marriage in accordance with the Word of God, and to invest in and engage the youth in Biblically moral conversations.  The Lord says much of the Church/the Body of Christ, is still oblivious of the extent to which the enemy is going and is willing to go after our children and youth.  The enemy also wants to shred the nuclear family and put more weight behind hidden agenda to destroy the fabric of family and marriage.

35. The Body of Christ is being called to a higher level of accountability.  The Lord is judging the Church, especially with Ephesians 6:1-9.  The trumpet has sounded spiritually and signals the beginning of a new season for the Body of Christ – a season like no other, and the Body of Christ must be on high alert.  Be watchful, be prayerful, look up!   Do not faint.  If you cannot keep up with the footmen, how will you maintain pace with the horsemen.  Pray, stand and do not lose faith.  I am your Provider; I will make provision even in the dessert. I will sustain you.
36.  This is the time for the Body of Christ to unite and function with a much higher level of discernment of spirits.  The deception is greater and not all things are as they seem to be.  The Lord is extending Divine Grace to those in leadership within the Body of Christ to set things right in His sight and in accordance with His Word and it must be done.  Pray for the unity of the Body of Christ.  Pray one for another, and pray against division within the Body of Christ, because the devil wants to bring great distractions and division like never before to the Church.  There is great deception and apostasy throughout the world influencing the church and many within have forgotten that the Church must make its impact on the world and bring the True Light to the world – not vice versa.
37. There are many Christians who represented God as His sheep, but now have become goats and have caused much mischief within His Kingdom. God will deal with the Annanias’, Sapphiras and the Absaloms.  The Balaams will not escape.
38. The true focus of the Church must be understood, and all must get back to basics. There must be a concentrated effort to win the lost and dying and to carry out the God-given mandate of the Body of Christ according to Matthew 28: 18 – 20.  Outreach will become vital going forward because there will be destruction and devastation, and many will be displaced.  The Church must position itself to be the change and make the difference.
39. Pray for the COGIC body and Leadership.  Something is about to hit, and we must pray that souls will not be so bruised that they fall away from God.  Also, scandals are about to hit 3 denominations.  Pray that despite the shaking, souls will not fall away from God and be destroyed. The Lord says His word is the guide “And He said: ‘Take heed that you not be deceived.  For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Therefore do not go after them.’” Luke 21: 8
40. The Lord says the Church must depend on His Holy Spirit and not look to idols of any kind in the year 2025.  He says the Church must remember Who is their Help.  God will release His resources upon the faithful churches as they remain faithful to Him.
41. Pray against increase in the number of church and school shootings nationally and internationally.
42. Pray against the false prophecies being released and pray for the true voice of God to rise in the nation and that false prophecies and false teachings will fall on immune ears.
43. The Lord is about to deal strongly with those who have oppressed the young people in the churches and have become a stumbling block across their spiritual path.  He is not pleased with the hindrance of the young people by those He has given the opportunity to teach and lead them right.  He will shift those stumbling blocks out and put new people in place to help the young people to prosper in all areas of their lives. The Lord says while as followers in Christ we must ensure that His principles and word are not compromised, we are not to kill the zeal in our children and youth, nor in the babes in Christ, with our sarcasm, mean-spiritedness, poor attitudes, and jealous, arrogant spirits.  Instead, God is calling us to come before Him so He can give us the strategy to help them become who He needs them to be for Him.
44. The Spirit of the Lord is reviving, refreshing and restoring many of the radical Mothers in Zion within the Body of Christ, who are considered among the elders within the Church because they have been shut down, ignored and denied from doing what the Lord ordained them to do. He is also raising up new mothers within.  The Lord says that for too long the voices of the older women who are to teach the younger women have been silenced.

45. Another heavy shaking is coming for the entertainment industry globally.  The deception is increasing, and our youth are the targets.
46.  The global music industry has already experienced a shift toward the Asian music industry, and many believe this is the way forward, but another shift is coming that will surprise many.  May of our youth have been pulled into and many of the youth are being taught a different kind of idol worship.
47. There are 2 tragic deaths looming over the Gospel Music industry.  Pray for repentance and mercy for the Gospel music artistes in the West.
48. New artistes will rise earnest and genuine in their desire to bring glory to the name of the Lord.  Pray against them being tainted and shutdown by immoral gatekeepers who pretend to be genuine in the Body of Christ. God wants to use our youth for His Glory.
49. God is ready to raise up Christian entertainment companies and media houses, and to give them resources for children.
50. God has His hand and eyes on the Asian nations, and despite what you see many will be saved.  Pray for the Asian youth in the entertainment industry.  Some are being prepared for sacrifice, but exposure is coming regarding the practices of the management companies of the Asian entertainment industry.  Yet, out of that will come a revival and a harvest of souls for the Lord.  We must pray fervently and earnestly for them.
Take note: These prophecies given are for 2025 onward.  The Lord gives His word to us as Prophecies to let us know what lies ahead based on the trajectory mankind has put themselves on based on the decisions they have made.  The Lord God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, and He can avert those things outside of His will, subject to the true repentance of nations and individuals.  Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9.  Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3).  He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).


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