RWOMI FIVE-FOLD NETWORK - Rwominc & humanitarian

Restoration World Outreach Ministries Inc
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The RWOMI Five-Fold Network is based on Ephesians 4:11 and the Book of Acts – our main thing is to Govern, Gather, Guide, Ground and Grow.  We equip and unite.  Souls are our number one priority.  We are bringing together different nations and cultures – harnessing and pooling our gifts, talents and human resources to build the Kingdom.  We are bringing together a group of people with the Artisan Anointing (Exodus 35 – 36).
The RWOMI FFN is led by the Holy Spirit.   We operate in integrity and require the same of those covered by RWOMI FFN.   We focus on helping to build up and strengthen small churches, house churches, families, business and sports personnel.  We equip and train church personnel, hospital workers and chaplains.
We cover, father, license, ordain, mentor, counsel.  Our main focus is persons who are like-minded, willing to learn/teachable, agree with our doctrine and have a Divine call to ministry.  
As such, those applying for Spiritual Covering under RWOMI FFN must:
Not be walking in rebellion or division and your church must be established in truth with Jesus at the center.  Thus individuals must be properly released from their old church/ministry. Otherwise, you cannot be a part of RWOMI FFN.
Complete the RWOMI FFN Application Form in its entirety.  

Understand and accept that no one requesting Spiritual Covering under RWOMI FFN can be under another Spiritual or Denominational Covering. In RWOMI FFN, we want individuals and groups to know their calling and we are dedicated to helping each one identify and fulfil their calling. Bring out their Divine gifts and talents and also to bring healing and restoration.
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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