There are three critical areas that will be vital for the survival of individuals and nations. These are the areas on which all eyes should be focused. This is not an individual thing so all will have to pay keen attention to these areas – world leaders, bankers and investors included!
There is great emphasis being placed on the area of Communication, but both world leaders and investors must understand that it is not communication that will bring in the ‘big bucks’.
The greatest opportunities will be in these three areas.
Farming will pose the greatest opportunity but Global Warming poses a threat. There will be a shortage of food and a hike in its price. Farming is the key to turning any nation’s economy. Each time there is a famine/recession God instructs His people to do farming. (Genesis 26), which brings tremendous prosperity to a nation.
The key to leadership is to understand Times and Seasons and what a nation should do. (II Chronicles 12: 32) God has special people in the earth to advise leaders - if they will listen. But both leaders and economists refuse to listen regardless of the fact that they have no clue how to solve the situation or find a solution.
From 2000 there has been a shift from the world system. We have entered a ‘Kingdom System’ which most people do not understand. The Babylonian Economic System is coming to an end. So from very shortly, Wall Street is going to crash again, and according to Revelation 18 that aspect of the system is coming to an end!
Leaders at all levels need to understand that things and Times have changed that that without vision the people perish! So there needs to be an inspired vision from God to deal with what is ahead. Sadly, they have refused to seek the vision of God, which has caused poverty to significantly increased!
Now leaders have become even more selfish, thinking only of themselves. Many are storing up wealth in the event of a collapse, but there is a surprise coming! The understanding of Times and Seasons (Genesis 8: 22) and Biblical Economics cannot be done with a logical, skeptical, atheistic and carnal mindset. Instead, such understanding can only come through the Spirit of the Almighty God; the One who brings you out of darkness and into the light. The true Light that all mankind needs to see.
If all come together and deal with the area of Farming quickly, then whatever is ahead can be minimized. The poor will be in a better position and healing will take place.
Vietnam, China and India are the largest (individual) producers of wheat and flour, but because of the melting of the glaciers that will be taking place in the North Pole there will be flooding. As a result, due to the shortage of these items – wheat flour and barley – nations need to:
Plant Sweet Potatoes, Corn and Yam in great quantities. Helping the economy by keeping prices low and become substitutes for Rice, Wheat and Barley.
A keen eye needs to be kept on the Peanut Industry, looking out for insects and certain diseases.
More Marine Biologists need to be trained to deal with what lies ahead. The excessive heat that will take place in years to come will significantly and adversely affect the Agricultural Sector of all nations. They need to be trained to deal with the impending issues.
More needs to be pumped into Agriculture
All Farming-related equipment needs to be duty free
There should be no collateral loan for Farmers
There should be more Agricultural Programs and Training in the Schools and Communities
Utilize the prisoners more in the area of Farming
There needs to be more Scholarships for persons to be trained as Marine Biologists, Botanists, Horticulturalists, and Agriculturalists.
Set up more Irrigation Systems
Capitalize on empty warehouses for Stockpiling
Set up more Research Centers for testing Agricultural items
Freeze all current divestment plans, particularly anything to do with Sugar and other Agricultural Items.
(Apostle Steve Lyston is a Biblical Economics Consultant and Author of several books, including End Time Finance and The New Millionaire)