Leviticus 19: 34 says, “The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”
With regard to the current crisis on the Mexico-US border as well as the most recent bill passed by Florida governor Ron Desantis – SB 1718 - has brought to focus again, this global crisis. Based on some of the comments seen in the news media, there is a general heartlessness to the comments on this issue. Very few are giving kind words.
Take A Step Back
The fact of the matter is that we need to take a step back and see how God looks on this situation. God’s word is clear on it and there are several scriptures in the Bible to support that. God outlines that foreigners/aliens/refugees/ strangers must be treated with love and respect. He even warns that we are not to pervert justice (Deuteronomy 27: 19). In Leviticus 19: 10 says, “And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather every grape of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the Lord your God.”
God outlines in His word that hospitality must be shown to foreigners/aliens/refugees/ strangers. Furthermore, certain rights must be given to them. They were to be free from circumcision and allowed to attend the feasts; they also had the privilege to partake in sin offering (Deuteronomy 16: 11). They were to be given protection in the city of refuge.
Today we are seeing laws being tabled and passed to deny them medical and other vital assistance (Exodus 12: 48). Nations that sow/give generously to the hospitality extended to such ones will be extremely blessed. It is similar to what happens when someone accepts the Lord Jesus as their Savior – they become citizens of the Household of Faith. There are several other Scriptures that tell us the blessings we receive on every level as we extend hospitality to foreigners/aliens/refugees/ strangers. Nation Leaders should tread carefully when it comes to this, or they will bear the consequences of disregarding this principle.
The Cause Of This Global Crisis
We have been issuing the warning given to us by way of prophetic utterances that this would be coming and that it would get worse.
First, the priorities and postures of the national and business leaders globally have been wrong.
Second, the policies of the developed countries toward developing nations have been too harsh. The institution of family has been forsaken in the developing/third-world nations. Furthermore, resources are being wasted and so those in developing nations are moving toward the developed nations for new opportunities and economic salvation.
The world is now facing the greatest threats – high interest rates, inflation, loss of energy, famine for food, high unemployment levels, natural disasters increase, displacement of families – meanwhile countries are paying billions to lay hold of or creating weapons of mass destruction. While this is happening, many are unable to access food and shelter.
Based on the UNHCR report, in 2022, 103 million have been displaced globally; 36.5 million of which are children. That means these are people who have no home country and the countries that usually hosted them they now need help. Many countries are closing their borders and are putting laws in place that inadvertently make the situation worse. We are seeing today that sexual rights have surpassed basic human rights.
So, in order to deal with this crisis, all nations MUST come together.
- Immigration policies will need to change in each country globally to facilitate improvements in that area that benefit all.
- There will need to be an increase in the quantity of work visas issued globally.
- Aid and benefits need to increase from developed nations to help developing/third world nations to build skills training centers and hospitals.
- Globally, people need to be taught to farm effectively – and ramp up garden farming so that the people can engage in sustainable development.
- Make-shift hospitals must also be a part of the equation.
- Distribute money not only to the political sector, but also to the NGO’s and other stakeholders in society to help the crisis.
- Freeze AI manufacturing. If not, it will create similar crises.
- There needs to be a Global Fast – calling a solemn fast so that God will intervene.
- Call a temporary Amnesty to give the people an opportunity to contribute positively to the society – including taxes.
Now is not the time to point fingers and throw blame at each other. Now is the time to unite, genuinely help the people to have stability and security so that there can be growth and true development globally.