Prophectic Word for 2010 - Part 2 - RWOMI BLOG - Rwominc & humanitarian

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Prophectic Word for 2010 - Part 2

Published by in Prophecies ·
1.      There are going to be upheavals in various nations throughout the world; some internally, some with other nations.  There will be civil wars in nations such as Afghanistan, Korea, Serbia and Nicaragua.  While the USA watches nations such as North Korea, Iran and Palestine, they must remember to watch their allies as well.  Do not under-estimate or ignore Canada and England. 
2.      While governments fight with each other, the Lord is about to raise up some young people to take their place.
3.      Wall Street is going to suffer another blow and there will be a ripple effect throughout the financial sectors of numerous nations.  God is about to expose the links that exist within and among the financial sectors in the various nations and there will be several surprises.

4.      There are secret meetings taking place with rogue leaders in Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Russia and the United States of America.  These are the leaders who have tried to derail the existing governments in their nations in order to propel their motives.  They will go to any lengths to see to it that their missions are accomplished. These meetings and motives go beyond nation – these meetings are motivated purely by civic connections.
5.      The Body of Christ is about to receive a shock that will shake the Church, but it will also expose the Tobiahs that are hiding in the vestry sleeping among the treasures and offerings that have been given unto the Lord.
6.      The IRS is going to experience a shaking – the deep-seated corruption that exists within it will be exposed and several top level persons within will be fired.  They will not be fired because it’s the right thing to do, they will be fired because they are no longer hidden from public view. 
7.      The Lord is going to cause the current US Administration to make an unprecedented move that will benefit the poor and the illegal immigrants.  Many will not like it, but their opposition will mean unfavorable exposure for them.  They will keep quiet.
8.      The Lord is about to expose a link in Jamaica among the Politicians, Business Leaders, Government Officials and Bankers that is going to surprise the nation.  This exposure is going to result in resignations of high ranking officials.
9.      God is about to shake the nation of Jamaica in such a way that the gods many have set up will fall and break to pieces.  God has been speaking to those in positions of authority and they have not acted upon His instructions nor have they taken Him at His word.  He has told them to remove the idols that are holding back the nation and causing them to follow other gods but they refuse.  The Lord says He is going to move that the nation may know that He is God!
10.  There are those that have been faithful to the Lord and have not soiled their garments, the Lord says faint not because Help is here!
11.  The wars of the end-time have already begun and many children and young people are already trained for battle through the video games and many of the movies.  They are far advanced mentally, though not necessarily academically.  Some are possessed and the parents don’t realize it because they (the parents) have not been paying enough attention to the spiritual welfare of their children.
12.  The increase in the number of vampire-related movies and the cult-type following that comes with it are not without reason.  The Body of Christ must be vigilant in this area that they and their children don’t get caught up in the hype and frenzy!  It is all a preparation for what the devil wants to do with our young people in preparation for and actual battle in the time to come! 
13.  The enemy is training many in all sectors of society in all the nations of the world.  He is penetrating all facets of society beyond religious, international and academic barriers and is building his human army.  Christians are not as prepared as they need to be because many still have their heads in the sand and remain un-edified and ignorant.
14.  The church and nation leaders have been neglecting the Spiritual Development of the children.  God is requiring change concerning this matter.  There are going to be situations that arise within nations and it is the children that will have some of the solutions.  He is going to use them to bring many changes to nations.
15.  2012 is a distraction.  Christians ought not to get involved in the discussion of that ‘prophecy’.
16.  Pray concerning the lives and health of George W. Bush, Colin Powell, William (Bill) Cosby, Netanyahu, Bishop Desmond Tutu, President Nelson Mandela, Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family,
17.  Several more popular sportspersons are going to be exposed for corruption – NFL, NBA and NHL.  Some made un-Godly pacts that the devil now wants to collect on.  There are going to be major scandals.
18.  2010 is going to be a year of changes and switches.  Those at the rear will come to the forefront, and those at the forefront will be shifted to the rear!   It is going to create a stir!  Positions and statuses will change!  

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